Thursday, December 17, 2015

And now for something completely different: magical pianos and resolutions

Still making lollipop shapes with the HQ Sweet Sixteen, so no new sewing pics today. 

Someone posted this on Facebook today. Really worth a watch, it will bring a smile to your face! This guy encapsulates my New Year's resolutions (hey, it's only 2 weeks away, people!). He is on the older side of the spectrum, he is on the chubbier side of the spectrum, and he isn't going to win Mr. Sexy 2015, 2016 or any other year. But when he sees a magic piano in a train station he responds with curiosity, engagement, and has a rip-roaring time with it, including adding his own flourishes with the bells.

I hereby resolve:
1. Not to be oblivious to the magical things in 2016
2. To engage with things that arouse my curiosity and creativity
3. To fake it till I make it, and if I can't play the piano, to look for some bells to ring
4. To keep dancing and to hell with all the bits that jiggle!

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